Shadow, unconscious and subconscious Tarot Readings
Getting your tarot cards read can help you to answer questions big and small, so your path is equipped with insight and intuition. Simply put, it's an easy (and exciting) practice of self-help—and self-love.
Sometimes, when people are anxious and depressed, it’s a sign that their soul needs nurturing. Tarot connects deeply with the soul. It’s a really good vortex for opening the subconscious mind and collective unconscious mind… and for figuring out what’s going on below the surface. Some people are turning to tarot to help support their mental health. Tarot cards may help you spark a conversation with a therapist, find meaning in your life circumstances, and identify solutions.
The shadow doesn’t just include ‘negative’ aspects of our personality, but also positive ones. The things we idolize or adore in other people is un-lived potential within us and also part of our shadow.
In essence, the shadow is comprised of unresolved conflicts and problems; un-lived desires and passions, as well as denied needs and wishes, socially unacceptable beahvior.